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Bus Times
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Route Maps
Miles In Transit milesintransit.com Blogging every mile of every public conveyance in Massachusetts, with a side of Philadelphia!
REDD Group – Fb A community grassroots organization seeking to bring rights, equality, and dignity to every person with any type of disability
TPAG- Contact through the Central Mass Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) the Transportation Planning Advisory Group is a consumer advisory committee of the WRTA addressing Service related issues affecting the elderly and disabled.
TAC https://sites.google.com/view the Worcester Transportation Advocacy Coalition an independent group of public transit activists working under the guidance of the Worcester Community Connections Coalition
PVTA Riders and Friends: Providing Pioneer Valley Transit Authority, ADA, and Dial a Ride users and the agencies and providers who support them with the opportunity to provide feedback on the service they receive.e
Transit Matters transitmatters.org Dedicated to improving transit in and around Boston…promoting a level of critical analysis normally absent from other media.
Transportation Justice for Franklin County tjusticefc@gmail.com To inform Franklin County of how riders will be represented, and how the system is funded. Dedicated to equitable funding for Franklin County public transportation.
Zero Fare WRTA- zerofarewrta@gmail.com, Fb page. A group of Worcester pub trans activists focused on making the WRTA a system that is fully funded with no payment at the point of service.
Transportation for Massachusetts https: Promoting safe, reliable, and affordable transportation choices throughout Massachusetts
Transportation 4 America https://t4america An advocacy organization made up of local, regional, and state leaders who envision a transportation system that safely, affordably, and conveniently connects people of all means and disability to jobs, services, and opportunity through multiple means of travel
WRTA https:/ therta.com The regional transportation authority for Worcester and 37 surrounding municipalities ,12 of which are served by fixed routes.