What is Possible with Buses: The Case of Colombia

While planners and urbanists often look towards Western Europe for inspiration on transportation, there are many lessons to be learned from an unsuspecting champion of the bus: Latin America.    Stretching from Mexico to Argentina, Latin America is wide, vast and diverse, but on the whole it is urbanized at a similar rate to North America, and the cities bear some of the same car-centric industrial scars that we do in North America. Because of this, urbanists in the United States often assume that American problems with car-centrism are unique, despite the many similarities to our neighbors in the South. [...]

By |2022-05-07T20:28:17+00:00May 7, 2022|RideAlong! Blog, Transportation Legislation|Comments Off on What is Possible with Buses: The Case of Colombia

ZERO FARE Demonstration Speech

Good Afternoon. My name is Nelly Medina. I am the Central Mass regional organizer for Massachusetts Jobs with Justice and a Member of Neighbor 2 Neighbor. I am also a Mom and student who rode the bus to and from college with my young son. Why are we here today? We are here today because the WTRA is not in communion with those of us who rely on the service that they provide. Since before the pandemic, local organizers have advocated for better access and ZERO Fare rides for the cities residents. Our city buses must be more affordable. Public [...]

By |2021-05-20T17:09:50+00:00May 20, 2021|Transportation Legislation, Zero Fare|Comments Off on ZERO FARE Demonstration Speech

An Act creating a New Deal for Transportation in the Commonwealth

DOWNLOAD FULL BILL HERE FEB. 24, 2021.....A three-step, 12-cent gas tax increase, fare-free MBTA and regional transit authority buses, new surcharges on parking space rentals and purchases, higher ride-hailing fees and more all featured in a new overhaul bill proposed by the Massachusetts Senate's point person on transportation. Transportation Committee Co-chair Sen. Joseph Boncore filed his omnibus proposal on Friday, igniting debate on how to relieve the returning dread of traffic, upgrade unreliable public transit infrastructure, and pay for a range of investments after his branch scuttled a House-approved set of transportation taxes and fees last year. The 49-page bill [...]

By |2021-03-05T02:12:55+00:00March 5, 2021|Transportation Legislation, Zero Fare|Comments Off on An Act creating a New Deal for Transportation in the Commonwealth
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